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Waste to Energy

The conversion of organic wastes into energy by biochemical methods has been increasing dramatically over the past 5 to 10 years. Transformation of high-strength wastewaters, slurries, food wastes, and various other organic wastes into biogas, “green” electricity, renewable natural gas (RNG), and heat is one of the most effective and sustainable methods of diverting organic waste from landfills. Far more environmentally-friendly than composting, anaerobic digestion is steadily gaining favor in such applications and thus more prevalent across the globe.


GWE is well situated in this marketplace, with two innovative technologies available to tackle both “wet” and “dry” digestion applications. Coupled with GWE’s decades of anaerobic digestion experience and knowledge of perhaps the widest range of feedstocks of any vendor, GWE’s waste-to-energy solutions stand at the forefront of this new wave of renewable energy solutions. If you need proven technologies and an experienced team to ensure the complete success of your organic waste-to-energy project, the GWE RAPTOR® (RAPid Transformation of Organic Residues) systems are the solution for you.

Thanks to the anaerobic conversion of organic matter to methane and carbon dioxide, many industries are now able to cover their thermal and electrical needs or at least reduce their fossil-fuels dependency, by utilizing such technology to better manage their waste products.

RAPTOR® waste-to-energy applications

There is an almost endless list of organic materials that can be processed within a RAPTOR® system. From pre- and post-consumer food wastes and food processing/production residuals, to manures, to energy crops and excess harvest, to a variety of sludges and slurries, nearly all can be processed into renewable energy for beneficial use. Some of the possible feedstocks may include:


  • Food wastes for food processing industry and source-separated organics (kitchen waste, off-spec fruit & vegetables, excess harvest, market surplus, restaurant, cafeteria and food service wastes);
  • Agro-industry residues (beet pulp, tapioca pulp, vegetable/potato waste);
  • Industrial residues (brewery waste, fruit processing waste, prepared foods production, paper mill sludge, and others;
  • Energy Crops (corn silage, various grasses, and algae)
  • and many more!


Quantum Biopower

Southington, CT, USA

Organic Power / Matosantos

Vega Baja, Puerto Rico


London, ON, Canada

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