Realize the often-overlooked renewable energy potential of wastewater.
Cut surcharges and improve your business sustainability by converting wastewater into biogas.
Sustainable development of companies producing pulp & paper with reliable technologies from GWE!
Convert food waste and other organic materials from an environmental problem into “green” energy and useful fertilizer products.
Tailor-made solutions that will effectively treat your distillery or bio-ethanol wastewater
Anaerobic, Aerobic and Physical-chemical treatment technologies for the effective treatment of industrial wastewater.
Converting your waste into energy will reduce your company’s carbon footprint and dependency on fossil fuel sources.
Water reclamation is a vital component of a circular economy, where resources are used efficiently, and waste is minimized.
Every biological treatment system requires a certain mass of active microorganisms to inoculate the facility at the beginning of its operation or to restore the biological population after a system upset.
A team of skilled process engineers and technicians to handle your day-to-day operations and maintenance, for long-term sustainability.
A new collaboration on an exciting project in France!