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Ekopak group secures contract with Agristo Masa in India


Ekopak, a leading company that provides innovative circular water solutions, has signed a new contract with Agristo Masa to deliver a complete water treatment installation at their production facility in India.

Agristo, a global food company specializing in the production and distribution of potato products, is committed to sustainable operations and has partnered with Ekopak to implement a comprehensive water and wastewater treatment installation. The installation featuring Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) technology, will ensure 100% wastewater reuse with no discharge.

As a full-solution partner for industrial water and wastewater treatment, Ekopak manages the entire water cycle, guaranteeing an uninterrupted water supply for Agristo, while adhering to local discharge standards. The official signing ceremony of this new partnership took place on March 2nd at Agristo in India itself.

Pieter Loose, CEO Ekopak: “We are very excited about this new project with Agristo Masa. This project reinforces Ekopak’s position as a one-stop-shop for water and wastewater treatment and strengthens its global reputation as a trusted leader in sustainable water technology.”

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